Student Ministry Dept - Local Church Support Ministry

  • Conducted the Youth Ministry Conference in April
    • Over 70 pastors, church youth ministry leaders, fellowship counselors and committee members attended the event
    • Published the Vancouver Chinese Church Youth Ministry Survey, with inspiring 7 key ministry development strategies
    • Received positive feedback from participating churches, resulted in invitations to consult on church's ministry development.

  • Given 35 talks and sermons at various local churches and led 3 church camps in the first 10 months this year.
    • AFC’s staff members are much-requested speakers at local churches. Through giving talks and sermons, we are casting our vision of discipleship to young people.
    • AFC's staff will also be hosting workshops at Western Canada's Winter Conference this December.

  • Supported local churches in youth ministry development.
    • Besides giving talks and providing training for local churches, AFC has also acted as consultant to different local churches in re-strategizing their youth ministry, including 聖公會牧愛堂 and 信心方舟基督教會.
    • We have also organize the 4th Church Fellowship Committee Training program in October, which includes three 4-hour lecture sessions and a 6-month follow-up consultation program. 12 fellowships from 8 different local churches participated in this training.

  • Organized 2 PP959 Coffee Houses with full house attendance

    • PP959 Coffee House is not only an outreaching event, but it is also a training ground for students in organizing outreach event for church with contagious evangelism principles.
    • One more PP959 Coffee House is planned for December 2007.

  • Published the AFC Vancouver "Church Resources Handbook" and the seasonal "Ministry Catalog" to inform local churches of the latest available ministry resources.

  • We have been invited to speak at various events at the following 20 churches this year: 高貴林宣道會,西區浸信會,列治文頌恩堂,溫哥華華人宣道會,溫哥華頌恩堂,信心方舟基督教會,高貴林華人宣道會,信義會新生堂,西北溫頌恩堂,信義會新生堂,本立比頌恩堂,主恩堂,慕迪港頌恩堂,溫哥華華人信義會,列治文恩典宣道會,高貴林華人播道會,域多利華人宣道會,聖公會以馬內利堂,本拿比華人宣道會,列治文華人門諾弟兄會真理堂。In addition, besides the above mentioned churches, another 12 churches have attended our various trainings and courses this year, including: 列治文城北宣道會,溫哥華華人浸信會,列治文門諾會平安堂,本拿比華人宣道會,聖公會牧愛堂,南溫哥華頌恩堂,豐盛浸信會,歌鄰基督教會,Fraser Christian Cell Church,華人禮賢會,高貴林自立中華基督教會,及三藩市路德會聖靈堂。Together we have served 32 different church directly through our training ministry this year.